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America's Epidemic of Police Abuse & Violence

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Multiple Cops Ignore Citizens Flagging Them Down to Report a Rape Taking Place on the Sidewalk in Front of Them
Multiple police officers were alerted to an ongoing rape which unfolded in public in front of them, and none of them acted.

16 August 2022

If ever you thought police in the United States were here for your protection, the following case out of New Orleans, Louisiana should remove all doubt. Nearly a dozen eye witnesses flagged down several police officers, pointed them to a rape in-progress and not a single one of them chose to act. New audio footage from the 911 call, illustrates just how utterly incompetent the security force in New Orleans actually is. Even after one citizen dialed 911, officers continued to ignore the ongoing rape on the sidewalk and by the time one of the officers finally responded, the rapist ...

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