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America's Epidemic of Police Abuse & Violence

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Life in Amerika:

How a Florida Sheriff harasses families: Watch the body-cam video

3 September 2020

Over the past five years, nearly 1,000 Pasco County residents have been swept up in the Pasco Sheriff’s Office’s data-driven policing program. The program aims to use analytics to identify people who the department thinks are most likely to commit future crimes. Deputies create a list and “check on” anyone whose name appears. They knock on doors at all hours of the day and night. They look for reasons to write code enforcement citations or arrest the targets and their friends and family. “We’re bothering criminals,” Sheriff Chris Nocco said in 2011. “That’s what we do.” At least 1 in ...

In 2019, 15-year-old Rio Wojtecki was labeled a “Top 5” criminal — a category intended for key players in criminal networks. Deputies started checking on him around the clock. Rio and his family didn’t understand why. Even the deputies conceded he only had one charge on his record, from when he and some friends stole two motorized bikes. He already had a probation officer checking on him for that. The deputies told him to stop hanging out with his “bad” friends. The department has told the Times that Rio was in a gang. Rio says he was not. When Rio ...

When Sheila Smith’s son began getting into trouble, she sent him to another county to live with his grandmother, hoping to get him away from bad influences. The Sheriff’s Office signed off on the arrangement, she said. But deputies started visiting her and her husband, anyway, asking to check on their son. Each time, Smith calmly explained that her son had moved away. They came again after that, department records show. Smith said there were more checks that weren’t recorded. Once, deputies handcuffed Smith’s husband and put him in the back of their squad car. After some time, they released ...

After multiple visits and more than $2,500 in code enforcement citations, Tammy Heilman told a deputy asking about her son — one of the program’s targets — to call her attorney. Late for her 7-year-old daughter’s Girl Scout meeting, she drove away in a rush. The deputy yelled that they weren’t wearing seat belts. He followed her down the block, pulled her over and arrested her. Heilman was charged with resisting arrest and battery on an officer. She also was charged with providing false information about her son. Deputies told her family that she was arrested for driving away with ...

Deputies asked to speak with Michelle Dotson’s developmentally disabled grandson, Da’Marion, about a car theft. She asked them to leave and contact his attorney, she said. They waited on the street and when the teenager came outside for school, a deputy stepped toward him. Dotson grabbed her grandson by the wrist. The Sheriff’s Office didn’t provide footage of this part of the encounter, but the police report said Dotson grabbed a deputy and refused to let go. She denies it. Deputies arrested Dotson and two other family members who tried to help. One was a 20-year-old relative, who tried to ...

In the last five years, Pasco County sheriff’s deputies checked on people on the list and their families more than 12,500 times.



Staff member
Targeted: Pasco’s sheriff created a futuristic program to stop crime before it happens -- It monitors and harasses families across the county

3 September 2020

Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco took office in 2011 with a bold plan: to create a cutting-edge intelligence program that could stop crime before it happened. What he actually built was a system to continuously monitor and harass Pasco County residents, a Tampa Bay Times investigation has found. First the Sheriff’s Office generates lists of people it considers likely to break the law, based on arrest histories, unspecified intelligence and arbitrary decisions by police analysts. Then it sends deputies to find and interrogate anyone whose name appears, often without probable cause, a search warrant or evidence of a specific crime. ...



Staff member
Florida Sheriff's Predictive Policing Program Is Protecting Residents From Unkempt Lawns, Missing Mailbox Numbers

11 September 2021

Defenders of "predictive policing" claim it's a way to work smarter, not harder. Just round up a bunch of data submitted by cops engaged in biased policing and allow the algorithm to work its magic. The end result isn't smarter policing. It's just more of the same policing we've seen for years that disproportionately targets minorities and those in lower income brackets. Supposedly, this will allow officers to prevent more criminal activity. The dirty data sends cops into neighborhoods to target everyone who lives there, just because they have the misfortune of living in an area where crime is prevalent. ...



Staff member
Florida Sheriff's Pre-Crime Software Says D-Students And Victims Of Domestic Violence Are Potential Criminals

23 November 2020

Predictive policing is coming for your children. That's what's happening in Florida, where the Pasco County Sheriff's Office has taken an inappropriate interest in minors. It all begins with some questionable access to sensitive records and ends with the Sheriff deciding some students are destined for a life of crime. (h/t WarOnPrivacy) The Pasco Sheriff’s Office keeps a secret list of kids it thinks could “fall into a life of crime” based on factors like whether they’ve been abused or gotten a D or an F in school, according to the agency's internal intelligence manual. The Sheriff’s Office assembles the ...



Staff member
Pasco County Sheriff's School 'Pre-Crime' Program Is Violating Federal Privacy Laws

29 December 2020

Predictive policing has spread from the streets to the school house, bringing with it everything that's screwed up about it. But this time it targets minors, turning missed school days, low grades, and exposure to domestic abuse into criminal predicates. This subjects minors to the same harassment that currently targets adults in the Pasco County (FL) Sheriff's jurisdiction. The pre-crime program run by the Sheriff allows deputies to swarm houses late at night to harass residents and write them citations for missing mailbox numbers or overgrown grass. There's nothing in this program that appears to target serious or violent crime. ...



Staff member
Florida Sheriff's Office Sued For Using 'Predictive Policing' Program To Harass Residents

16 March 2021

The Pasco County (FL) Sheriff's Office is being sued over its targeted harassment program -- one it likes to call "predictive policing." Predictive policing is pretty much garbage everywhere, since it relies on stats generated by biased policing to generate even more biased policing. In Pasco County, however, it's a plague willingly inflicted on residents by a sheriff (Chris Nocco) who has apparently described the ultimate goal of the program as "making [people] miserable until they move or sue." Well, Pasco County's getting one of these outcomes, after years of hassling residents who happen to find themselves labelled as criminals ...



Staff member
Florida Sheriff's Office Now Notifying People It Will Be Inflicting Its Pre-Crime Program On Them

30 July 2021

The Pasco County (FL) Sheriff's Office has been swamped with negative press coverage centering on its predictive policing program. The Office claims it's not "predictive policing," but rather "intelligence-led policing." Whatever you call it, it sucks. The Sheriff's Office may have some lofty goals that involve stopping crime before it starts, but the supposedly forward-looking policing program does little more than subject past offenders (along with friends, families, and acquaintances) to sustained harassment by law enforcement officers. What's supposed to keep crime down by directing resources to possible serious criminal activity has manifested as multiple visits from officers who do ...



Staff member
Pasco County Cops Harassed Them and Searched Their Homes Without Warrants. A Judge Says They Can Sue

6 August 2021

It's not every day you receive a letter from the local police department congratulating you on your acceptance into an exclusive program. Such is the story shared by several residents in Pasco County, Florida, a community in the Tampa area. One problem: None of the recipients applied. "We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to participate in a Prolific Offender Program," reads a letter from the Pasco County Sheriff's Office (PCSO). "Research indicates that barriers to successful living may involve struggles with mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, finding a job, or several other challenges ...



Staff member
DOJ Now Investigating Florida Sheriff's Office For Using A Federal Grant To Fund Its 'Predictive Policing' Harassment Programs

21 September 2021

The Pasco County (FL) Sheriff's Office believes in "intelligence-led policing." This is its formal slang for harassing residents until (in the office's own words) "they sue or move." The Sheriff's Office turns anyone with a criminal background into a suspect-for-life. Deputies visit residences and residents on the "intelligence-led" shit list multiple times a month, demanding answers to questions they have no business asking. When residents fail to comply, nuisance (in every sense of the word) citations are issued for things like uncut grass or missing mailbox numbers. It doesn't really matter whether the Sheriff's Office believes its own PR bullshit. ...
