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"Innocence isn't enough": Arizona urges the supreme court to send Barry Jones back to death row
The case has far-reaching implications: Should new evidence be ignored by the federal courts even when it exposes a wrongful conviction?

30 December 2021

THE MORNING OF the oral argument in Shinn v. Ramirez, the last case on the U.S. Supreme Court’s calendar in 2021, Barry Jones’s children gathered around a large flat-screen TV in Tucson, Arizona. Jones’s daughter Brandie was there, as well as her younger brother James. Their youngest sibling, Andrew, whom Brandie often relied upon to explain the confusing litigation in their dad’s case, was working a remodeling job in Nevada. He’d try to listen to the argument on his phone. Now in their 30s, the siblings were just kids when their dad was sentenced to die. He’d been accused of ...
